Rules for the shipment of pharmaceutical products.

UK Kenya shipping helps in pharmaceutical shipment . The regulations are covered mainly by the Food and Drug Administration and apply to anyone who transports, stores, manufactures, or distributes drugs and the compounds used to make them.

Here are deals with the regulations; it is complex and lengthy but can be simplified into four main areas:

1. Hygiene:

 UK Kenya shipping handles the Pharmaceutical with proper hygiene while shipping to Kenya from UK.We ensure a proper storage facilities that must be large enough and that  ensure adequate cleaning, storage and air circulation around the pallets. 

A separate quarantine room should also be for damaged, expired or spoiled medicines. Any sign of animal, insect, or mould infestation returns an unusable shipment.Pharmacy import regulation to Kenya.

 Therefore, pest control and prevention of warehouse-borne moulds, both in the warehouse and on the trailer, are essential.

2. Security: 

UK Kenya shipping offers enough security that access transportation by tracking where drugs are been transported and that allows the accessibility to the authorized personnel and that should be controlled and been accessible only to authorized personnel. 

Surveillance cameras, good lighting, access control keys and self-closing doors are all essential parts of a successful security plan.Still ensure pharmaceutical distributors  in Kenya

3. Temperature:

Protecting the integrity of the cold chain that one of the most essential elements of pharmaceutical supply chain management.Usually, ethical drugs should be stored between 55 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit

A few degrees of fluctuation can affect the effectiveness of a product. Suppose no specific storage temperature is listed for a product. When shipping medication to Kenya.

In that case, the FDA requires that it be stored at a “controlled” room temperature, meaning that the temperature is that of a typical work environment and does not fluctuate drastically. It is just as crucial during transportation as it is during storage of the medicine shipping to kenya.

4. Investigation and archiving:

Inspections are almost constant when UK Kenya shipping do the shipment of some medicines. Whenever you receive a medication through our UK Kenya shipping container, a thorough inspection should be performed for any signs of contamination. 

Operators who see such signs as broken pallets, torn stretch film or evident vermin infestation should refuse acceptance.All surveys must be recorded on paper or in a warehouse management system.Supply chain managers often prefer to switch to easily traceable plastic pallets.

Paying close research to these four broad categories of drug shipment regulations can reduce the risk of rejected and rejected products. Supply chain managers often switch to easily traceable plastic pallets to streamline the tasks associated with adhering to transportation guidelines.


UK Kenya shipping helps in importation of new medical devices, an importer must obtain a medical device registration certificate from the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB), which also issues a medical device import license for each shipment. Import authorizations are processed through the Kenya National TradeNet System (KESWS) for the medical equipment exporters from UK to Kenya.

Best practices that provide medical device import compliance.

1. Designate an UK agent

As mentioned earlier, foreign medical device manufacturers importing products into the UK must appoint.We have various pharmacy shipping to Kenya.When shipping medication to Kenya.


 Information about companies such as UK Kenya shipping,Who have the UK agent that provide the FDA in terms of registration. This information is submitted electronically through the FDA’s Unified Record and Record System (FURLS).

The responsibilities of a UK. agent include:

  •  Assist the FDA in communicating with the foreign manufacturer.
  •  Respond to FDA inquiries regarding devices to be imported by the UK Kenya shipping who are already to import into the UK.
  • Assist the FDA in scheduling inspections of foreign manufacturers
  •  Receive any documents, letters, or other communications that the FDA wishes to send to the overseas manufacturer.

Foreign manufacturers should be aware that the U.K. agent is not responsible for reporting adverse events or filing 510(k) premarket reports. It is the sole responsibility of the foreign manufacturer for the pharmaceutical logistics to Kenya.

2. Make sure the establishment is registered with the FDA

Medical device manufacturers, foreign or domestic, that market and sell products in the United Kingdom must register their facility annually with the FDA.With the annual registration, a usage fee must also be paid to the FDA.

The following conditions must be met:

  1.  At registration, the foreign manufacturer must provide a list of the devices it intends to import into the United Kingdom and the activities performed on those devices.
  2. You must give the FDA Premarket Submission Number (510(k), PMA, PDP, HDE).
  3.  Foreign manufacturers must identify all known United Kingdom. importers of their devices.
  4.  Original importers must locate the manufacturers of the devices they are importing.
  5. All trademarks under which a device is marketed must be declared during the first device registration and the annual update of the registration and registration information.

3. Provide all necessary product information upon registration

The Information provided upon entry must identify the product and contain the correct Information to demonstrate that the product complies with FDA regulations. Product information should include the device name and product number. The product code provided to CBP must contain a two-digit prefix identifying the medical speciality and the three-letter code.

The commercial invoice that accompanies the imported medical device must contain the following information, depending on whether the product is a sample intended to be marketed and sold or whether it is a part ready to be completed:

4. Respond with evidence or schedule an FDA action notice

Suppose the FDA determines that an imported device fails to meet regulatory requirements. In that case, the agency will issue an “FDA Notice of Action” detailing the nature of the infringement to the owner or recipient.

The owner or recipient may request an informal hearing to certify the product’s suitability. If the evidence submitted does not meet FDA requirements or the owner/recipient cannot provide a plan to bring the device into compliance, the FDA will issue a new notice of action denying product approval.

Therefore, owners/recipients for the pharmaceutical importing regulation to Kenya with the device must pay attention to the violations in the original notice of action and provide complete proof of compliance and a detailed plan showing how the device will be brought into compliance.

5. Renew the device to make it compliant

The FDA’s initial notice of action highlighting medical device violations does not deprive the importer of other remedies. Under certain conditions, the FDA allows the importer to relabel or refurbish the contested device to bring it into compliance with regulations. The importer can request authorization to carry out this procedure and continue to do so if the authority authorizes it.

The FDA will review the device once the relabeling or repackaging is complete. If the device is compliant, the batch will be released to the importer, and that notice, commonly referred to as “Once Stopped and Now Released”, will be issued.

However, importers should note that repackaging is only allowed once, so doing it right the first time is essential.Paying attention to the fine print when importing medical devices.

Given the FDA’s reputation as one of the strictest regulatory agencies in the world, foreign manufacturers and U.k agents/first importers should ensure that the device entering the country meets all necessary regulations.

 The costs of non-compliance can be enormous, especially in terms of monetary losses and reputational damage. That’s why it’s best to read the fine print in the legal requirements and avoid unnecessary delays and costs that can cause device delays, appeals, and hearings.

Imports are prohibited and restricted.

Contains a list of goods that cannot be exported to the country or are otherwise restricted.For more information on prohibited goods, please refer to the UK Customs website, especially the FAQ section prescription  drugs shipping to kenya.

See also the European Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website, which has Information on the import policy for sanitary ware.The UK. Embassy website also has helpful Information when UK Kenya shipping are importing over-the-counter and prescription drugs into London. See this infographic on drugs and medications.

The Kenya strictly prohibits the entry of narcotics and related instruments, firearms, firearm parts and ammunition, explosives and gunpowder, chemical weapons precursor materials, germs that could be used for bioterrorism, counterfeit or counterfeit coins or currency, obscene materials, or goods that infringe intellectual property rights.

 Other restricted items include certain agricultural and meat products, endangered species and products such as ivory, animal parts and furs whose trade is prohibited by international treaties.

Additionally, Kenya imposes restrictions on the sale or use of certain products, including healthcare products such as medical products, pharmaceuticals, agricultural products, and chemicals.

 UK Kenya shipping allows the Custom that evaluate the product’s portability for these products before it is shipped to Kenya. Licenses issued by relevant regulatory authorities may also be required to import and sell these products. 

Certain chemicals and other additives are heavily regulated in food and cosmetics and follow a “positive list” approach.Private importation is permitted without the permit mentioned above requirement, provided that the products to be imported are for personal .

use or consumption and the volume of imports is within an allowed size:

• No more than one month’s supply of toxic, dangerous, or prescription drugs;

• no more than two months’ supply of over-the-counter drugs or para pharmaceuticals

• No more than 24 pieces (regular size) of similar cosmetics.


How long will it take for my drug to be delivered?

We as UK Kenya shipping aim to ship your medicines with you within two to three days of receiving your prescription. If this is our first time filling you with this recipe, it might take a little longer for the medicine shipping insurance to Kenya.

Tips for quick refills and delivery:

• To avoid running out of medication, you should have approximately 14 days’ supply when you order a refill.

• If possible, ask your doctor to send us your prescription electronically.

• Order refills and extensions via our UK Kenya shipping website or mobile app.

Notes about shipping:

• Orders containing certain controlled substances are shipped via UK Kenya shipping. An adult must sign for UK Kenya shipping delivery for the medical equipment shipping reviews to kenya.

• Medications that require temperature monitoring are shipped promptly at no additional cost. Temperature-controlled medications are not available for UK addresses.While seeking medical devices equipment for 

• Expedited shipping affects shipping times only. It does not reduce the time it takes to process your order.

If you don’t find the answer to your question, contact us.


Permanent import of medical equipment You can import the following medical devices from outside the European Union (E.U.) without paying customs duties:

• A charity or private individual must donate them to health authorities, hospital services or medical research centres. The tax authorities must approve the health authority, hospital or institution to receive the goods free of customs duties.

• Must be purchased by healthcare organizations, hospitals or medical research centres with charitable money or voluntary contributions for healthcare product shipping to Kenya.

If your property is being donated, there must be no commercial intent on the part of the donor. In no case the donor must be related to the producer of the property on which the exemption is requested health supplies import regulations to kenya.

What rules apply to the relief?

The health authority, hospital, or medical research institution must seek approval from the Department of Permits and Waivers before importing goods. If your file is in order, the Tax and Customs Administration will send you a letter of authorization containing a unique reference number.

Import procedure

The sender of the goods must:

• provide Information about the goods to the postal service or courier like UK Kenya shipping that will carry the package. This commodity information should include the following:

• A precise description

• A commodity code

• The value.

• Mark the envelope “Devices for medical research: request for exemption from duties”.


• Name and address of the drug manufacturer.

• Copy of the original prescription.

• Clearly indicate the intended use of the drug (personal or commercial)

• For international shipments like UK Kenya shipping, offer the commercial invoice that include a list of medical ingredients and the scientific name of the drug.In prescription drugs shipping to kenya.

Can I send prescription drugs to Kenya?

With few exceptions, We as UK Kenya shipping cannot ship prescription drugs to Kenya unless approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).During drug export process to kenya.

Prescription drugs manufactured and exported from the United Kingdom that can generally only be returned to Kenya. manufacturer. In some cases, according to FDA regulations, a small amount of a prescription drug can be imported into the Kenya.

If you are eligible, you must include the following Information on the commercial invoice:

• A valid copy of the doctor’s prescription

• Full name, address and telephone number of the Beneficiary’s authorized treating physician

• Name and address of the drug manufacturer

• Form of the drug (tablets, capsules, liquid, etc.)

• Amount

• Type of package

• Type of medical condition being treated

• Whether the medicines can be purchased at the destination

• Dosing strength

• Copy of passport (if the recipient is a non-resident)

Note that you are limited to a 90-day supply of imported prescription drugs.


When UK Kenya shipping ships medical equipment, devices and supplies, They MUST comply with Kenya Bureau of Standards and Pharmacy and Poisons Board regulations, obtain relevant certificates, and pay required taxes and fees.

Medical equipment licensing requirements

If your business supplies Durable Medical Equipment (DME) or Home Medical Equipment (HME), it is subject to different licensing requirements. These vary depending on the type of equipment and the jurisdiction in which you operate.Drug shipping restriction to Kenya.

It is a highly regulated industry, both nationally and locally. Governments require industry-wide licenses in addition to local and tax filings to protect the public and institutions.

The EMR covers various devices, including crutches, catheters, wheelchairs, and blood glucose meters. Whether your business needs to be licensed in a particular state needs to be clarified to pharmaceutical import duties and taxes kenya.It is essential to check the licensing requirements of your home state and any state where you intend to operate before doing business.

Some types of equipment may require additional licenses, such as pharmaceutical licenses for oxygen-related devices.In this , we as UK Kenya shipping will make sure that they have explore what DME licenses your business may need, how to apply for those licenses, and how the business can maintain a good reputation.


Regulatory compliance is an integral part of pharmaceutical companies’ operations. Regulatory compliance ensures that the processes and procedures performed by the company comply with all applicable laws, regulations and standards. In this blog post, we’ll discuss pharmaceutical regulatory compliance, why it matters, and how you can ensure your business remains compliant.

What is Pharmaceutical Regulatory Compliance?

Regulatory compliance refers to complying with the rules set by governing bodies for a specific industry. It’s about understanding the laws and regulations that apply to your business and then complying with them to avoid fines or other legal action. In the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory compliance encompasses everything from product safety to marketing practices.

Why is regulatory compliance substantial?

Regulatory compliance is substantial because it helps protect consumers from potentially dangerous products or services while we provide for businesses operating within the bounds of the law. Companies that fail to comply with applicable regulations can face severe penalties, including fines and even criminal charges.

Therefore, pharmaceutical shipping companies UK to Kenya must be ensured that they are always compliant to avoid these potential repercussions for the medical equipment shipping cost to kenya.

How to ensure compliance for your business

The best way to ensure your business remains compliant is to keep up to date with the latest developments in your industry and develop a system for monitoring regulatory changes. It may include regularly checking official government websites for updates and subscribing to newsletters and other publications related to regulatory changes in the industry.

Additionally, companies need to understand their obligations under applicable law to develop a comprehensive plan to remain compliant on an ongoing basis.The bottom line, compliance with pharmacy while shipping regulations to kenya is an essential part of any successful business strategy in the industry.

By staying abreast of regulatory changes and clearly understanding their obligations under applicable law, companies can reduce the risk of fines or lawsuits for non-compliance while protecting consumers from potentially unsafe products or services. Ultimately, these steps will ensure that your business always complies with all applicable laws and regulations.



The list of documents required for wholesaling/retailing or selling medicines and cosmetics depends on the type and business activity of the applicant.

Some important documents are:

• Certificate of Incorporation

• KYC documents of each director/partner/owner

• Proof of ownership such as rental agreement, electricity bill, property tax receipt, etc.

• Map of the place

• KYC data of the technical person

• List of cosmetics with pro forma product sheets specified for product approval and their composition formula

• Ownership details of the cosmetic brand, registered or trademarked, if applicable

• Description of the production process with flow diagrams. Internal specifications, if any; Product analysis method. Copies of the BIS, if applicable

• Below is a list of the various regulatory bodies that regulate the trade of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products:


Export medical devices

Order a free sale certificate to export medical devices outside the U.K. A Certificate of Free Sale may be required to export medical devices.

The MHRA only issues a free to U.K. exporters of medical devices. If you require a for other products, don’t hesitate to contact the Department for Business and Trade (DBT).


Here is a list of Pharmaceutical Importers and Distributors in Kenya. The list focuses on the major importers and distributors of generic pharmaceutical products such as drugs and medical devices.

Here is a list of Pharmaceutical Importers and Distributors in Kenya.

1. Dawa Life Sciences (Medisel Kenya)

It is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Kenya, with a turnover of almost half a million. The company has built a reputation in the medical sector in East and Central Africa by supplying and marketing quality pharmaceutical products.Then UK Kenya shipping will help in shipment in Kenya from UK.

2.Njimia Kenya Limited (NKL)

The local pharmaceutical company has been in business since 2014. The company has a manufacturing site in Kajiado County along 22 Maasai Road near Nairobi-Namanga Road.

3. Omaera Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Omaera Pharmaceuticals is a leading importer, wholesaler, and distributor of affordable, high-quality manufactured healthcare products such as prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, medical devices, and supplies.

4. United Pharma Kenya Limited

United Pharma is a recognized importer, wholesaler and distributor of pharmaceutical and medical devices in East Africa.

5. Drug surge

Ripple Pharmaceuticals is a major importer and distributor of life-saving speciality products in East Africa.Still to this we as UK Kenya shipping will help in shipment.


Secure and Scalable: Medical Device Monitoring

To this UK Kenya shipping will ensure tracking the medical equipment to kenya.Whether it’s a vaccine, heart pill or life-saving emergency drug, continuous tracking ensures that drugs reach the patient intact and at their full potential. For this reason, medical device tracking means that each medicine or medical product is assigned its own UDI number. 

Through the server, the code can be traced through the process of packaging, UK Kenya shipping ensure transportation and storage,Which enable the determination and retrieval of valuable Information such as completeness, shelf life and accuracy of storage.

But it’s only a matter of time before these laws that take effect in other parts of the world. With UK Kenya shipping that Track & Trace, we combine our many years of experience in a reliable system.

By distributing a complete range of components and our pioneering software platform, we as UK Kenya shipping provide a flexible solution that allows you to securely serialize, label and aggregate, now and in the future, all based on your needs.

With intelligent monitoring of medical devices and as pharmaceutical experts by your side, you are prepared for new laws and regulations and protect your market and industry in the long term.

 In addition, the transparent in tracking of medicines and medical supplies such as UK Kenya shipping that offers you even more benefits. Whether it’s first product correct, fewer sources of error or less waste, UK Kenya shipping offers and Track & Trace and still help you move your production forward intelligently and sustainably. 

Secure lasting benefits now. Our interdisciplinary team is also available in your region.


Guidelines for pharmaceutical packaging

UK Kenya shipping ensure a proper packaging before shipping to Kenya.All medicines must be protected and “therefore packed in containers that comply with the prescribed standards, particularly concerning the exclusion of moisture and light and the prevention of leaching of extractable into the content and chemical interaction with the content.

However, the limits of acceptability under these various aspects depend, at least in part, on climatic variables. The recommendations of the International Pharmaceutical which can only be consultative; precise quantitative standards will have to be determined locally.”

Such is the complexity of packaging materials and the high-tech nature of medicines that manufacturers face significant challenges. The interaction between packaging and similar products is possible due to the combination of many container components and pharmaceutical active ingredients, excipients and solvents used in different dosage forms.

The quality of pharmaceutical packaging plays a significant role in the quality of these products.

— protect against all adverse external influences which may alter the product’s properties, the. changes in humidity, light, oxygen and temperature;

— protect against biological contamination;

— protect against physical harm;

— bring the correct information and identification. 

The packaging and the materials used must be chosen in such a way that:

 – the packaging itself does not alter the product (for example, through chemical reactions, leaching of the packaging materials or absorption);

– the product does not alter the packaging or its properties or protective function.

As a result, the requirements must be met throughout the intended shelf life of the product. Given the relationship between a pharmaceutical product’s quality and the packaging’s quality, pharmaceutical packaging materials and systems should, in principle, be subject to the exact quality assurance requirements of pharmaceutical products.


Export surgical instruments to Kenya

The surgical instruments market reached  billion , after annual growth of 7.0% . There is a growing demand for safe, cost-effective and rapid solutions and instruments suitable for minimally invasive surgery. Imports from developing countries experienced relatively strong growth, accounting for a 12% share of total imports .

UK Kenya shipping was the largest importer of surgical instruments shipping cost to kenya.

1. Product description

Surgical tools are tools or devices designed to perform specific functions in surgery, such as cutting, grasping, squeezing, retracting, and suturing.We as UK Kenya shipping helps in shipping to kenya.To the surgical equipment for import permits kenya. 

In general, surgical tools fall into the following categories:

• sutures and surgical stitches;surgical equipment shipping time to Kenya.

• surgical aids of the hand (scalpel, forceps, retractors, scissors, dilators, pincers, etc.);

• electrosurgical equipment (radio frequency electrosurgery equipment, electrocoagulation equipment, electrosurgery accessories);

• other surgical aids.surgical equipment shipping to kenya.

Depending on their application, surgical instruments are used in cardio thoracic surgery, cosmetic/bariatric surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, orthopaedic surgery, gynaecological surgery, vascular surgery, urological surgery, respiratory surgery, neurological surgery, dental surgery and pediatric surgery.

For surgical instruments for import process Kenya, a C.N. code was selected: 90189084. Trade statistics were established based on this code (source: Eurostat Comext). The database was used for production and demand. The two Prodcom codes corresponding to CN 90189084 are 32501370 and 32501379.


Surgical instruments intended for the E.U. market must comply with the Medical Device Directive. See “Market Requirements” below for more information.


The medical device labelling requirements for the European Union are set out.

The label must indicate the following:

• the name or business name and address of the manufacturer. For devices imported into the E.U. and distributed in the E.U., the label, outer packaging, and instructions for use must include the name and address of the authorised representative if the manufacturer is not registered in the E.U.;

• essential Information for identifying the device and its content, especially for users;

• possibly the mention STERILE;

• possibly the lot code preceded by the word LOT or the serial number;

• where applicable, the date on which the device must be used safely, expressed in years and months;

• possibly a statement indicating that the device is for single use only. The manufacturer’s single-use indication must be consistent across the European Union;

• if it is a custom-made device, the wording “custom-made device”;

• if the device is intended for clinical research, the wording “for clinical research only”;

• any particular storage and handling needs;

• any special instructions for use;

• any warnings and precautions to be taken;

• year of manufacture for active devices other than those covered by (e). This designation may be included in the lot or serial number;

• if applicable, method of sterilisation.


Surgical instruments are usually made of stainless steel, but other metals such as titanium, chromium, vanadium and molybdenum are also used.We as UK Kenya shipping ship for the customers for the pharmacy shipping option to kenya.


Medical devices require sterile packaging following EN868 (Part 1). Parts 2 to 10 deal with requirements and test procedures for packaging materials. These tests can be used to demonstrate that all requirements have been met.There is also an ISO standard for the sterile packaging of medical products.

The most general legislation that applies to the packaging of medical devices is the European legislation on packaging and packaging waste. This legislation restricts the use of some heavy metals and establishes other requirements. The E.U. also has provisions for transporting wood packaging materials, such as packing boxes, crates, crates, drums, pallets, box pallets and dunnage.


Manufacturers of vaccines and other pharmaceutical products rely on high-quality cold chain logistics to get their products safely door-to-door. Vaccines that require temperature-controlled shipping should be stored between (2℃ – 8℃) or -20°C to maintain the potency of their active ingredients.

Tips for handling temperature-controlled goods to maintain product integrity

Airborne vaccines save 2.5 million lives each year. It is essential that these vaccines, as well as other medicines, use temperature-controlled cold storage and shipping facilities to the medical supplies shipping custom clearance to kenya.

UK Kenya shipping has just published the Special Cargo .This covers all the latest trends in sustainability, digital transformation, perishable waste and much more.

Why is temperature-controlled shipping so important?

 Manufacturers of vaccines and other pharmaceutical products rely on high-quality cold chain logistics to get their products safely door to door. Vaccines that require temperature-controlled shipping should be stored between (2℃ – 8℃) or -20°C to maintain the potency of their active ingredients.

Losing their effectiveness means wasting expensive products or providing ineffective vaccines to those needing them most.


Shipping of medical equipment and supplies.

It has highlighted the challenges of shipping medical equipment and supplies. 

From the temperature-controlled vaccine doses to shortages of masks and other personal protective equipment, the public has never been more aware of the complexity and importance of getting medical supplies to their destination safely and efficiently.

Medical supplies often have to be transported to and from remote locations, and many have quirks that make them difficult to transport and store in standard ways.

 Luckily, the experts at UK Kenya shipping are here to show you how to efficiently to ship medical equipment and supplies so they can get to where they’re needed.In for the drug shipping restriction to Kenya.

The importance of shipping medical equipment correctly

While using steps always taken to protect products and maintain their integrity during shipping and handling, shipping medical equipment is more significant and far more complex.

Medical equipment that includes everything from MRI machines to medications. It is often bulky, fragile or requires special measures such as temperature control. It is also usually costly.To the drug shipping restriction to kenya.

Furthermore, due to its life-saving nature, medical equipment must arrive at its destination in perfect condition. Any deterioration and damage can have severe consequences for the patients who depend on it.

Therefore, medical and pharmaceutical packaging must meet the highest industry standards, and special care must be taken to ensure that the shipping process runs smoothly,while in a health supplies shipping time to Kenya.

How to ship medical equipment correctly

UK Kenya shipping will help you ship medical equipment requires careful planning. It is essential to inform yourself well in advance about customs requirements, packaging solutions and insurance options to reduce the risk of something going wrong during shipment.

Fulfil any special requirements.

Medical equipment is a vast category encompassing various products with different shipping needs to the medical devices shipping insurance to kenya.

To remain effective, some drugs must maintain a specific temperature throughout the supply chain. Depending on the required temperature, it may be necessary to ship these medicines using insulated containers, refrigerated transport and specialised warehouses.

Particularly delicate or sensitive laboratory equipment may require exceptional shock absorption and vibration-damping packaging.Large equipment such as MRI machines, C.T. scanners, hospital beds and other furniture may require special permits and custom packaging, as standard packaging may need to be available in the correct size.

Use custom packaging

Custom packaging is the ultimate solution for shipping medical equipment. A crate company can provide custom protective packaging and boxes designed specifically for your product and its unique needs. Foam packaging can be cut into the exact shape needed to protect your products.

Whether you’re looking for vibration damping, moisture protection or temperature control, the experts can create a packaging solution that fits your needs for the prescription drugs import permit kenya.

Consider reusable packaging

If you ship the same products regularly, reusable packaging is a great way to save money while protecting your items. Reusable shipping crates can be assembled and disassembled without tools and thoroughly adapted to product needs. Reusable containers are designed to last longer than their single-use counterparts, and they’re better for the environment, too.

Beware of international shipments.

Customs regulations must be taken into consideration when shipping medical equipment internationally. Parcels that do not meet the requirements may be delayed and returned to the sender, and you could also be fined for non-compliance.

It is crucial to know international shipping requirements, such as the ISPM 15 heat-treated crates, required documentation, and cargo height and weight restrictions. Oversized items may require special permits, which can be obtained from a professional shipping company.

Insure and track items.

Sometimes unforeseen incidents can happen, no matter how you plan and prepare the items when shipping.Given the generally high cost of medical equipment, it is essential to ensure your things to obtain fair compensation in case of damage in transit. Tracking shipments can also prevent the loss of your items and give you peace of mind.

Creopack custom packaging: 

We as UK Kenya shipping will Ship to your medical equipment with peace of mind!To the health supplies shipping company to Kenya.

Shipping medical equipment and supplies require special skills to ensure these vital items arrive at their destination completely intact. Given the specific dimensions, requirements and value of many types of medical equipment, it is essential to have professionals pack, handle and ship them.

UK Kenya shipping is a leading medical packaging solutions which are expertly designed to protect delicate equipment and products with special requirements. 

Our UK Kenya shipping offers packaging meets the highest standards of the medical and pharmaceutical industry and is custom-made to meet your needs perfectly. We also provide on-site packaging, transport logistics and timely delivery for those seeking more comprehensive services. Contact us today!


Many items can be considered medical consumables. These items include bandages, gloves, gauze, and duct tape. Others include syringes, tubes and catheters. Still, others have bandages, sutures, and drains.

What is the list of medical consumables?

UK Kenya shipping helps in shipping Medical consumables which are an essential part of patient therapy and diagnosis. They are tools used in the medical field for tests and treatments for Medical consumable import duties Kenya.

We don’t discuss it much, but it is essential to our daily lives.Both healthcare professionals and patients use these supplies, and can be found in various locations, including operating rooms, wards, clinics, and even at home to the medical consumable shipping requirement kenya.

There are different types of consumables, each with its specific use.With all the different types of supplies, it can take a lot of work to figure out what they’re for. Learning and understanding which products are used to help save lives every day is essential.

In this, we will discuss the medical supplies you will need for the health supplies shipping time to Kenya.

What are Medical Consumables?

 Medical consumables are items used by doctors and nurses to treat patients. Consumables include medications, dressings, and other supplies. Medical supplies come in various forms, each with advantages and disadvantages.

For example, consumables like oxygen cylinders can be expensive. Others, like disposable gloves, are cheap but short-lived. It is essential to choose the right medical consumable for each situation of the medical consumable for shipping cost to Kenya.


What about over-the-counter medicines?

 You can ship over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and cough medicine. However, you must follow local and federal laws, such as the Poison Control Packaging Act and the Consumer Product Safety Act.

Ship Prescription Drugs Internationally: Ship prescription drugs to Kenya from the U.K. and beyond

When you order pills and medicines  to be shipped overseas via courier services such as UK Kenya shipping, you may need to provide us with certain Information:

• The type of medication and the amount you want to send the medicine import logistic to kenya.

• Indicate whether they require a prescription and whether they contain addictive substances.

• Medications are, in most cases temperature sensitive items and require special shipping conditions, so check the shipping conditions of the service you are booking.

• Check if the medicines you want to send or the substances on which they are based are registered in the country of delivery.


Shipping prescription drugs and medicines with courier services.

UK Kenya shipping helps in transportation solutions that are considered and based on the size and time sensitivity of the shipment:

Express package

Urgent parcel delivery within 24-72 hours worldwide for the prescription drugs shipping cost to Kenya.

Simple and economical solution for shipping luggage or boxes


Limits to achieving excellence in pharmaceutical packaging and labelling

Has your company launched a product, or has production been delayed due to packaging or labelling issues?

Identifying typical constraints to achieving excellence can help you restructure your plan around them. By reducing these limitations, you can speed up the process and reach your goals faster.

This article identifies eight constraints to achieving excellence in pharmaceutical packaging and labelling.

1. Limitation no. Mistake #1: Not keeping up with the constant changes

The pursuit of excellence is an endless journey. The world is constantly evolving. Regulations are changing. Up-to-date training programs delivered by pharmaceutical packaging and labelling experts can keep you up to date with the constant changes.

Consider the Drug Supply Chain Security Act, which outlines serialisation and traceability requirements for the U.S. drug supply chain. It affects the entire company to drug shipping restrictions to Kenya.

Subsequent DSCSA deadlines impact wholesalers (November 2019) and distributors (November 2020). From 2023, full traceability at the unit level, including aggregation, will be mandatory. Being updated can make companies ignorant and lead to enforcement action.

2. Limitation no. Myth #2: Underestimate the importance of packaging and labelling in the planning stage.

The importance of packaging and labelling should be addressed during the design stage. 

This results in unnecessary cycle time extensions, costly errors, and delays in product availability or product recall due to non-compliance to the health supplies import documentation to Kenya.

Great care should be taken to ensure factors such as correct designs, sufficient batch/use by date, safe use of ink, paper type of inserts, right box fold lines, accurate colours, correct spelling, use of fonts, secure electronic transfer from business to the printer and many more.

3. Limitation no. Mistake #3: Not considering or understanding the patient’s needs.

Patient-friendly features are the key to achieving packaging and labelling excellence and are critical to product success. The FDA requires patient labelling to be evidence-based. It should be specific and written in a language the average patient understands.

4. Constraint #4: The extreme Pressure of enforcing more and more laws and regulations

Packaging and label recalls are widespread. There is more regulatory oversight from the FDA and other regulators. The main reasons for packaging and labelling product recalls are defective containers, missing lot numbers, and mislabelling of the declared concentration. Packaging and labelling activities are essential to meet regulatory requirements.

Labelling requirements vary by country and region. Companies must take steps to understand these regulations and develop systems to meet global needs. The best way to gain confidence is to take training courses on current regulations.

Examples of packaging and labelling regulations include:

or Subpart G of 21 Code of Federal Regulations Part 211

o Medicines Supply Chain Security Act of 2013

5. Limitation no. Myth 5: Conflicting demands from different stakeholders

Stakeholders usually have additional requirements. Balancing requirements such as cost with attractive, easy-to-open, child-proof packaging takes work. Using the data to back up your planning, strategy, and decisions is the best solution to this limitation.


The pharmaceutical industry has been undergoing significant changes in business models that have been going on for decades. Increasing consumer safety and licensing requirements, particularly in emerging markets, means that certification and compliance processes and procedures must adapt.

 The emergence of generic manufacturers has led to increased competition and a changing approach to intellectual property management. 

Historically inefficient supply chains must be reevaluated due to increased cost competition and the proliferation of free trade agreements. And service customization has led to a greater variety of all-new products shipped in smaller quantities.

We are working with our pharmaceutical customers on many projects resulting from these changes. Examples range from developing the most cost-effective supply chain and manufacturing strategies to implementing them in customs efficiency and procedures.

 We as UK Kenya shipping understand how pharmaceutical shipping to kenya by manufacturing processes and distribution channels typically fit and when typical opportunities and regulatory challenges arise.

In our experience, the most common customs and trade challenges faced by the pharmaceutical industry in Kenya region are:

• Determine the correct import price of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), drugs and medical devices.Medical equipment while shipping to kenya.

• Enforcement of customs value treatment of royalties, R&D costs, and imported drugs and equipment for clinical trials is complex and depends on local laws and customs. 

UK Kenya shipping has extensive experience in assisting clients with a wide range of that issues relating to the pricing and payment of intangible assets.

• Assist in the classification of new products, ensuring that all applicable licensing and control requirements are understood and can be delivering drug shipment to kenya.

• Strengthen monitoring and awareness of medicine import regulations to kenya when licensing and national registration requirements for APIs, drugs and medical devices.

Pharmaceutical import when shipping to kenya for the manufacturers and distributors typically face a high risk of non-compliance with local regulations. It can easily damage the reputation, primarily if no specialized or experienced regulatory body exists in the country. 

Using our local expertise, UK Kenya shipping can guide you through shipping through licensing and registration applications, assess the impact on timelines, and assist in verifying product coverage. So contact us today, if you need any of your pharmaceutical equipments shipped to Kenya.

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